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Please see below for a list of important forms for summer and winter camps!

Sunshine Fund Camper Subsidy

As we are members of the Manitoba Camping Association, all our campers are eligible to receive the Sunshine Fund Subsidy. This subsidy exists to allow low-income families to send their kids to camps. All instructions on applying for this subsidy are found directly on the application form.

This subsidy is only available for summer camps. 


PLEASE NOTE: this process is run independantly from our camp program. You must send your form and communicate with the Manitoba Camping Association directly for information on this fund.



Authorization to administer an Epi-Pen

This form is to be filled out if your child will be bringing an Epinephrine auto-injector during his/her camp session. This form must be submitted to camp staff at or prior to arrival at camps. 

International Camper Release Form

This form is to be filled out if the registered camper's country of residence is NOT Canada. This form must be submitted to camp staff at or prior to arrival at camps. 

Camper Transportation Agreement

Please print and fill this form to indicate who is authorized to pick up your child(ren) after camp.

Behavioural Needs Form

This form must be submitted to camp staff at or prior to arrival at camps if you indicated on your child's registration form that your child requires special attention for behavioural needs. 

Camper Medical Form

Please print and fill this form. Please fill ONE FORM PER CHILD. You may mail your completed forms in prior to dropping off your child(ren) so as to expedite the registration process. For returning campers, a new form must be filled out each year. This ensure accurate and up-to-date record keeping. We thank you for your patience.



Catholic School of Evangelization
École catholique d'évangélisation
Box 570, 60 Nadeau Place, Saint Malo, MB., R0A 1T0

Phone: 204-347-5396 Fax: 866-636-7783


Registered Charity: # 13441 2998 RR0001

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