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Image by Nils Stahl

The Catholic School of Evangelization

Annual Banquet

Come and hear of the many ways the Lord is using the CSE to provide impactful formation and creative opportunities for people to encounter the living Christ, the richness of the Catholic Church, and to live a life of vibrant faith proclaiming the Good News by word and witness!

To pay by check or cash please contact us at or call 204-347-5396

With special presentations by our

Outreach and Camp Ministry Teams

​Our outreach and camp teams are talented in so many ways and we can't wait to give you a sample of the wonderful work they do to impact the lives of so many young people. The evening will also include a time of praise to glorify the Lord and thank Him for his countless blessings!


Date & Time

April 10, 2025 from 6:00-9:00
Doors open at 5:00
Meal served at 6:00 followed by
a presentation from 7:30-9:00


Paroisse Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens

289 Dussault Ave, Winnipeg, MB


$55 each or $400 for a table of eight
$35 for ages 2-17. Children under 2 eat free.
Sponsorship options are available.

Clergy are encouraged to contact us for a complimentary ticket

To pay by check or cash please contact us at or call 204-347-5396

Catholic School of Evangelization
École catholique d'évangélisation
Box 570, 60 Nadeau Place, Saint Malo, MB., R0A 1T0

Phone: 204-347-5396 Fax: 866-636-7783


Registered Charity: # 13441 2998 RR0001

  • CSE Facebook
  • St. Malo Catholic Camps Facebook
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