Saint Malo Catholic Camps
Subsidy Options
At the Saint Malo Catholic Camps, we strive to make our camps as accessible to kids as possible. On top of offering some of the lowest registration fees in the province, we also offer options to campers and families which help off-set the sometimes intimidating cost of sending a child to camp. Please see below the different options and to find what is right for you!

Manitoba Camping Association
Sunshine Fund
As accredited members of the Manitoba Camping Association (MCA), all our campers are eligible to apply for the Sunshine Fund Camp Subsidy. This subsidy exists to allow low-income families to send kids to camp, who otherwise may never have the opportunity.
All information for applying for this subsidy can found directly on the MCA website by clicking here.
Please note: this application is run independently from our camp program. You must send your form and communicate directly with the Manitoba Camping Association for information on this fund. Decisions on funding and on applications are never done by the SMCC staff or administration.
Christian Camping International
John M. Smith Memorial Campership Fund
As members of the Christian Camping International (CCI), all our campers are eligible to apply for the John M. Smith Memorial Campership Fund Subsidy. This subsidy exists to allow families to send kids to camp, who otherwise may never have the opportunity.
To apply, please download the application form here. Once filled out email them directly to us at
Please note: This subsidy will fund 75% of campers fees up to a maximum of $400 per camper. Due the the small size of this fund, it is encouraged that applicants exhaust all other subsidy options before applying here.
The Catholic School of Evangelization
Send a Kid to Camp
The Catholic School of Evangelization (CSE) is committed to ensuring all kids have an opportunity to attend camp regardless of their families financial situation. Every year, Saint Malo Catholic Camps supporters donate directly to the CSE to help cover the registration fees for campers.
These contributions are given to families that demonstrate financial need. To request assistance please contact us directly at