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St. Mary's Academy

St. Mary's Academy (SMA) is a grades 7 to 12 Catholic school for girls, in the tradition of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Established in 1869, we have long history of educating young women spirit, mind, and body. Our students graduate empowered with knowledge, aware of their gifts, possess a desire for excellence in all endeavours, and embrace a sense of social responsibility in the service of others.

SMA has an enrollment of upwards of 575 students who come from diverse socio-economic, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. Approximately 65% are Catholic. Many come from families with a tradition of attending SMA. Our students are academically oriented and 95% of graduates go on to attend the post-secondary institution of their choice.

Offering an intellectually challenging program of studies is a priority, but SMA is more than academics. We're committed to nurturing the faith life of our young women, and to providing opportunities for them to become involved in the school and broader community. Being of service to others at a local, national, or global level is instilled in our young women. Furthermore, there are ample opportunities for students to engage in school life - regular liturgical celebrations, arts, music, athletics, clubs, activities, travel, and more are all part of a SMA education.

St. Mary's Academy
Catholic School of Evangelization
École catholique d'évangélisation
PO BOX 570 - St.Malo, MB R0A 1T0 (Canada)

tél : 204-347-5396 - télécopieur : 866-636-7783

Organisme de bienfaisance enregistré : # 13441 2998 RR0001

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